I was originally trained in person many years even prior to UMS. However, so nice taking so many classes as well as understanding the fact that everything is based on INTENT, with that intent to heal upon calling out to all the Reiki masters to come and correct any possible mistakes (and the fact that we are all one) then the distance simply does not exist as we are connected to the source, as one. If i need help to heal another part of me on the other side of earth, with permission, it is granted. It's based on Universal Energy that heals! I personally need this ASAP, as I won't be in this form very much longer, but will be forever part of this energy. A good source to understand this concept is the book 'The Afterlife of Billy Fingers' a book I read three times only due to it being so good my husband and I read it out loud to each other. Anyway, I've seen and felt my distance attunements work very well. I do get with those who ask IRT to go through all attunements if possible via internet, phone or in person. I call mine advanced because I built a chakra healing machine to align the body right along with all in person attunements.