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Paul Joseph
Posted 7/24/2011 5:30 PM (#21852)
Subject: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 4414
Location: United Kingdom
Amy Winehouse - oh dear oh dear, gone to the great rehab of the sky

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Posted 7/25/2011 11:38 AM (#21857 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: RE: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 584
Location: Nigeria
We shall soon be there, if it is death. "Every Soul shall test of Death (Qur'an)."

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Paul Joseph
Posted 7/25/2011 3:17 PM (#21863 - in reply to #21857)
Subject: RE: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 4414
Location: United Kingdom
Yes, indeed death, [just slightly sad because Amy was a mere 27 and addicted to drugs and alcohol - addiction, as we might know, being a mirror and substitute for the one true addiction, the Divine]: and did not the Prophet also say, "die, before ye die" ?
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Posted 7/27/2011 8:27 PM (#21875 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: RE: RIP


Posts: 2118
Location: The Heart of Space
Fame......I Wanna Live Forever, Baby Remember My Name.....

     The flirty makeup and bohemian hair got me more than her singing. She had my hands clapping when she won her awards.

     May we discuss what is this thing with 27 years and musicians?????? Coincidence is coincidence.....but so many have fallen at that age. I imagine that those who thrive on conspiracy will find links to 27 for the deaths of the Big Bopper, Richie Valens, Buddy Holly, Ricky Nelson, Blind Owl Wilson, Root Boy Slim, and many many others. Why 27??????????

Peace to Amy, peace to us,
Marty, Lucky, Poppy, Sissy
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Posted 7/29/2011 5:12 PM (#21891 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: RE: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 1882
Location: NE Ohio
Well Marty, it was a sad day indeed, however with the millions of music artists, of course there are going to be a lot at age 27. There are a lot much earlier and later as well. Might as well make an age group for all ages, i am sure we can find many artists to fit the date.

I am however happy that I just made it to good ol 45. ARGH.... for some reason i felt more comfortable with 44, but at least i made it past 27.  Since my B-day is on the 27th, i know i had a serious party for being 27 on the 27th. So that number does resonate with me.

I liked Amy and it's a shame she didn't want help. It just goes to show ya that many people, famous, rich, unknown or poor, all have hard lives. It's those who make it through that still go on dealing with what is left. Lets hope we can take what is positive and focus on that.

Love the jokes in the other posts too... had me rolling. Needed that. Life has been rough for me and i nearly didn't make it a few times. I have had WAY too many hospital stays this year and while the doc say's i need another, i am going to pass and call it time for mental healing.... and just deal with it, until i cannot. Will take it from there.

Court is another issue.... blah blah blah..... not going there now. Sometimes I envy those who are not stuck with such DRAMA, as I want to detach, even for a little while, but COURT won't let me. Being in contempt is fun. Cops are at least on our side... they stated "I would have done the same thing too, and just taken the contempt charges". Cannot wait till the kids are ALL over 18.... so this crap is all over with. *rolls eyes*

Keep the laughter and love going..... Music is beautiful. Life is what you make it. Lets make it.
Lets say RIP to all DRAMA and BS too. I know exactly where to shove that.... HA HA HA

Be Well xoxo
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Paul Joseph
Posted 7/29/2011 6:19 PM (#21892 - in reply to #21891)
Subject: RE: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 4414
Location: United Kingdom
27 x 2 = 54. and goodness me, I am now 57 and a half. Too old to rock and roll, too young to die [Jethro Tull] ...

Holy cucumbers
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Posted 7/29/2011 8:22 PM (#21894 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: RE: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 1882
Location: NE Ohio
Well Paulio... you are only 12 small years ahead of me. My ex, whom I have three kids with is only behind you by 3 years. So, what is age anyway? it's the body.... not the mind, unless illness is present. I see no signs of that my friend.

Be well my friends, you are still thriving.

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Paul Joseph
Posted 7/30/2011 8:15 AM (#21896 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: RE: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 4414
Location: United Kingdom
Ha - thanks Jill - Life's a Long Song (one of my favourite Tull):

("but the tune ends too soon for us all ....")

.... and Happy Birthday during Leo-season; a time, if I am correct, quoted in Romeo and Juliet (Marty?) - will check on that and get back to you ...[wasn't it Juliet who was born around the Lammas time - the Feast of the First Fruits, 1st August ? , could be wrong though ...]

Ah - dear, tragic Juliet was born on Lammas eve ...

"Even or odd, of all days in the year,
Come Lammas-eve at night shall she be fourteen".

The amazing symbolism used by Shakespeare - the feast of 1st fruits, Juliet's birthday, and the ensuing tragedy .... sends shivers up the spine, methinks

Edited by Paul Joseph 7/30/2011 8:25 AM
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Posted 7/30/2011 9:34 AM (#21898 - in reply to #21892)
Subject: RE: RIP


Posts: 862


There is no age requirement to rock and roll, or feeling the energy of youth...

Cool Cucumbers

Edited by FoxFires 7/30/2011 8:42 PM
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Posted 7/31/2011 12:37 PM (#21899 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: RE: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 584
Location: Nigeria
Supernatural3, be well. It's being quite some time you chirped in. All is well with God, worries or not. After all, it is said that life is not only about DRAMA but drama itself. To the 27s that are resting in peace, I say be cool in the arms of the Merciful Lord. Incidentally, my name Ahmad is A=+H=8+M=13+A=1+D=4 = 27 in all! I am rocking and rolling in good health and clocking 46 come October, worries or not!

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Posted 7/31/2011 12:59 PM (#21901 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: RE: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 1882
Location: NE Ohio
ahhhh, yes.... i am actually feeling quite a bit better, but out and about most the time. Staying so busy...

So, we are the same age for a couple months. he he So far this age doesn't feel old at all.... in fact, i feel quite young and ornery and usual. ha ha ha

Happy Birthday in October.

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Posted 7/31/2011 1:16 PM (#21903 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: RE: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 584
Location: Nigeria
Age, sure doesn't, Super...let's roll it and kick it... oops, am I singing a song? guess so! Life begins at 40...another?

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Posted 8/1/2011 6:49 PM (#21918 - in reply to #21896)
Subject: RE: RIP


Posts: 2118
Location: The Heart of Space

Oh Paul, I remember lammas tide but I don't recall Leo....good excuse to reread it, since it has been a long while......even so....


What wouldst thou have with me?


Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine
lives; that I mean to make bold withal, and as you
shall use me hereafter, drybeat the rest of the
eight. Will you pluck your sword out of his pitcher
by the ears? make haste, lest mine be about your
ears ere it be out.

Mercutio gives Tybault feline characteristics several times in Romeo & Juliet.


Marquis of Cats with Lucky, Poppy, Sissy

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Posted 8/2/2011 5:01 AM (#21919 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: RE: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 584
Location: Nigeria
Happy Birthday Supernatural3 in whatever month yours be. Today, I saw it and felt it, super-gal. You are superb! though he does not seem to like me; I think the husband. Tell him to bug-off or else... am I speaking in tongues? well, more than HUGS coming your way Honey!

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Posted 8/9/2011 4:42 AM (#21951 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: Happy Birthday, dear Leo!

UMS Guest

Posts: 1938
Location: United Kingdom

Happy Birthday to all of you, my dear Leo Friends.

I said a prayer for you today,
And God must have heard –
I felt the answer in my heart,
Although S/He spoke no word!
I did not ask for wealth or fame
I knew you wouldn’t mind –
I asked Her/Him to send treasures
Of a far more lasting kind.

I asked that S/He be near you
At the start of each new day,
To grant you health and blessings,
And friends, to share your way.
I asked for happiness for you
In all things, great and small –
But, it was for his loving care
That I prayed the most of all.

God be with you.


My present for you is my interpretation of your Sun sign. If that sounds interesting, please follow this link:

The Sun in Leo

Many happy returns of the day,
With love and light,

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Posted 3/29/2015 7:46 AM (#26020 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: Re: RIP


Posts: 2118
Location: The Heart of Space
The Pentangle looses another point.....John Renbourn at age 70.

Play on......
Marty and LuckyLee
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Paul Joseph
Posted 6/4/2016 9:12 AM (#27632 - in reply to #26020)
Subject: Re: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 4414
Location: United Kingdom
There's been more than quite a few unmarked passings since the last RIP post .. but could not mark today without honouring the passing of the great .. Muhammad Ali

.... a brave and great soul ..... the gloves are off at last

...................... was going to list a few who we had missed since Marty's last post but rather too many to call ............... though someone else might try ......
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Posted 6/4/2016 6:51 PM (#27633 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: Re: RIP


Posts: 2118
Location: The Heart of Space
I float like a butterfly
and sting like a bee!
Your hands can't hit
what your eyes can't see!

Tidbit of History.....I met Muhammad Ali (except at that time he was known as Cassius Clay) on the steps of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City. I was an Archer Messenger doing a delivery. He graciously autographed the back of my delivery ticket.
Unfortunately we had to turn in our tickets to the BIG boss, and no amount of pleading persuaded the BIG boss to let me keep that ticket.

Oh well, at least I shook hands with the greatest boxer that ever lived!

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Paul Joseph
Posted 6/5/2016 7:25 AM (#27636 - in reply to #27633)
Subject: Re: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 4414
Location: United Kingdom
Life is unfair and unempathic Marty ... how unkind of the BIG boss ... but you shook his hand ...
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Posted 6/5/2016 3:41 PM (#27638 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: Re: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 1882
Location: NE Ohio
Yes, many many losses since the post: David Bowie & Prince both are two of my all time favorite singers / song writers. Such losses....

They have left behind extreme amounts of beauty that changed the world for the better~
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Paul Joseph
Posted 7/30/2016 5:45 AM (#27730 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: Re: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 4414
Location: United Kingdom
Dave Bald Eagle, actor and Native American leader, born on April 8, 1919. He died on July 22, 2016, aged 97: I just saw his obituary in The Times today ... an amazing man
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Posted 7/30/2016 7:17 PM (#27731 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: Re: RIP


Posts: 2118
Location: The Heart of Space
Hi Paul and Aul,
Indeed may he rip!
But, this gives me an opportunity to say something which is very unpopular in light of the now mythical perception of the native american...
1) They were not necessarily "good" people with regard to protecting the earth;
2) They didn't only kill buffalo or many other animals to eat and clothe themselves; they slaughtered animals much the same as any other hunters do.
3) They treated the weak, sick and elderly badly.
4) They treated women very badly.
5) The present day reservation very much is indicative of the true nature of the people.

A knowledge of history sometimes makes me cry; just like the legendary tv commercial in the US touched so many people, but, with a grand lie.
See it for yourselves... (voice over by William Conrad)

Peace to aul,

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Paul Joseph
Posted 10/17/2016 10:08 AM (#27908 - in reply to #21852)
Subject: Re: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 4414
Location: United Kingdom
RIP Max Spiers, Ufologist, found dead in mysterious circumstances during a lecture tour in Poland. He was only a young guy, whom I had never heard of, but sparked some speculation about Ufologist investigators around the world dying inexplicably.
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Posted 10/17/2016 5:41 PM (#27909 - in reply to #27908)
Subject: Re: RIP


Posts: 2118
Location: The Heart of Space
OMG Paul............
I have received the following:

"Since the leak of the Wikileaks documents of the "Podesta files", <name withheld by me> has been in the forefront of the news lately. The leaks have become a sort of defacto disclosure as evidence mounts that higher ups in the government, including Hillary Clinton herself, are aware of the existence of ETs and openly discuss the role of Extraterrestrials in global decision making."

I wonder what cloak and dagger skullduggery the good old USA is up to??

Be careful out there and safe journey space fans, wherever you are!

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Paul Joseph
Posted 10/18/2016 5:20 AM (#27910 - in reply to #27909)
Subject: Re: RIP

PhD Alumni

Posts: 4414
Location: United Kingdom
Hmm ... latest on Max is that according to his girl friend he was going to release information about 'Satanic' rituals in global high government ...

Today I see news (unrelated except are we seeing ancient prophiecies fulfilled?) of a new secret chamber being discovered in the pyramids
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