 Forum Administrator
Posts: 174
| Access to the forums in this area is available only to enrolled students and alumni of UMS. If you have any questions or requests, you may post them in this thread for a moderator to see.
Thank you. |
 PhD Alumni
Posts: 584
    Location: Nigeria | Gracious!
Thank You Lord!  |
 Forum Administrator
Posts: 174
| Hello Dan. Do I perceive a bit of scarcasm in your post? Is there something I can do to make you happy? This thread is here to replace what the old forum said in big red, rather jarring letters, something to the effect of: You do not have access rights for this forum. We decided that having a visible thread was much better than what was here before. However it is true that the boards in this section were created for enrolled Students and Alumni to have private discussions. If you are a student or alumni, you may make a request to be given access to this section. |
Posts: 533
| Hi, Zy!
I have a question. I have come across a wonderful instrumental music CD that a Tarot Reader's husband has created. He is a musician and the music is conducive to meditation and is quite uplifting. It actually reminds me of a lot of the music in the background of the courses we receive here. Very uplifting, I can't think of a better word. I was wondering if it's ok to post a link to the site where he sells his CD so that people could hear a snippet or 3? I do not personally know the tarot reader or her husband the musician, but I have bought 5 or these cd's and given 4 as gifts. The music has been well received by massage therapists, metaphysical friends, and the like and I just wanted to share with the people here, in case it's something they would like.
What do you think? I could send you the link for you to review and post, if it's appropriate via pm. |
 Forum Administrator
Posts: 174
| Hi Di, I don't think there is any harm in sharing a link like that. Perhaps you might want to make your own thread about it rather than here. If there is anything "wrong" with it - chuckle - I'm sure Jill will tell us. She's still in charge. I can get further clarity from the UMS Staff if needed. But sometimes it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.  I'd say go for it. I'd love to hear the music that spoke to you myself! BB, Zy |
Posts: 533
| Cool. Will do. TY  |
 Ph.D. Alumni
Posts: 694
     Location: New Smyrna Beach, Florida | Zy, At the risk of sounding self-important, could you change my status to Ph.D. Alumni? Been waiting since Sept. 26th for the approval. Received it via email today.
Leo |
Posts: 862
| Leo,
Congradulations on your completion, and your journey, I am still trying to assembel my masters thesis,
So you are way ahead of me there! My hat is off to you to show respect and honor!!!
Congrats, you have earned this! |
 Forum Administrator
Posts: 174
| Hi Leo, I have changed your status as requested. Congratulations! Zy |
Posts: 1
| I am a registered student, please grant me access to the student forum.
Thank You...
Mark |
 Forum Administrator
Posts: 174
| Hi Mark,
Access has been granted. Welcome!
Zy |
 PhD Alumni
Posts: 584
    Location: Nigeria | "Hello Dan. Do I perceive a bit of scarcasm in your post? Is there something I can do to make you happy?"
My Lord, you've made everything for us in your Bliss. We thank You endlessly for that. I doubt if it was in sarcasm… that I earlier said my humble praise. My apology for being misunderstood, especially now that I will begin my penance in the cause of my studies. So you see Sir, I am bound to find out the difference – ‘scarcasm’ or sarcasm, if you kindly grant me passage into this 'restricted' region of Seek-And-Get.
Thank You!
 PhD Alumni
Posts: 4414
      Location: United Kingdom | Looks like that's happened ... I should let it go ... nothing ever happens Really .....
 Ph.D. Alumni
Posts: 694
     Location: New Smyrna Beach, Florida | FF,
Don't know how I missed this, perhaps not looking in this section. I appreciate your congratulatory statement. I'm sorry this is so late but again I appreciate the thoughts.
Best to you
Leo |
New user
Posts: 1
| Hi- I am a registered student and was wondering if I could please have access to the student section of the forums?
Thanks so much!
Light, Love & Laughter-
Heather |
Posts: 2118
  Location: The Heart of Space | Hiya Disa Disa Hiya......hey, if you transpose the h for a d and the s for a y in Hiya Disa....you reverse the words but maintain the same meaning!
I am somewhat of an expert on "ambient" music and always welcome new sources of that which I love the most. Where is the link you mentioned?
If I may say......in the student section I think it is only natural to post links as Diss suggests. It is (or should be) part of our learning experience. I only object to posting things or services for sale in the public section. Once it is allowed there, you will find an unmanageable, uncontrollable mess.....and constant attacks on UMS servers. Unfortunately, the "Enlightenment" industry is unscrupulous and oft times employs devious means to engender sales or stifle competition.
And, for you Diza....I happen to have my Tarot....I have used Rider for years as I am a student of the Golden Dawn. And you have drawn Ace of Pentacles!
Lucky you!!!!!!! Contentment, joy and ecstasy in your life.....and.....A.E. Waites girlfriend composed the card that appears in the Rider deck after her less than memorable experience with Alistaire Crowly......based on the ancient design.......the card also indicates a higher intelligence......that which can recognize the concept of sendero luminosa and perhaps communicate with animals. The card speaks of a gift that you might have.
Able and Baker,
Psychomarty, Luckylee, Poppyhead
Heeeeyyyyy Dissy..........NEVER MIND.....went to the public section and I got the link.....THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited by mruppert 3/30/2012 11:39 PM
Posts: 533
| Hiya Marty Animal speaking, yes- it fits. Good communication was had with my previous dog- a black lab/retriever mix... Not going so well with the newer dog, a small white poodle who I can't understand at all! I do love my Tarot. Ace of Pents, yep- good card for me as I've begun cleaning and organizing on the earthly realm Glad you found the link. Hope you like.
 PhD Alumni
Posts: 1882
        Location: NE Ohio | VioletRain, As requested, you can now access the student area for class discussions. Enjoy and Welcome~ |
Posts: 5
Location: Lampasas, Texas | Hello from Italy,
I am a registered student, please grant me access to the student forum.
Faithfully AURorA Ute
 PhD Alumni
Posts: 1882
        Location: NE Ohio | AURorA Ute,
Welcome, you are now able to access the student area as well.
Many Blessings~ |
Posts: 5
Location: Lampasas, Texas | Thank you |
Posts: 5
Location: Lampasas, Texas | Good morning
My question:
I am e new student and i finished my first 3 tests .... My question is: How do I get to my Electives I have chosen? I have no idea what I have to do.
Thanks for your help... I love to be here :-)
Faithfully from Italy
AURorA Ute |
 PhD Alumni
Posts: 1882
        Location: NE Ohio | I am not sure 100% because i paid for the classes I took all up front, so I basically was given them as I finished them. Now if you are on a monthly payment plan, then it's possible that you will receive your next few lessons during the next month. That is something you may want to email directly to UMS, as I am only volunteering as moderator. I do not work at the office, but they are pretty good about returning emails, and better with calls.
Office phone:
707-822-2111 (works inside and outside the USA)
The office is open 9:00am to 5:00pm PST
Direct Email: ums@umsonline.org
Perhaps another person who has recently taken classes here will have more info. I took my classes in 05.
Posts: 5
Location: Lampasas, Texas | Thank you dear Doc J |
Posts: 2118
  Location: The Heart of Space | Hi AUR or A:
Having just drowned my sorrows in many bottles of Peroni (I had high hopes for Italy until the second goal....then.....all was lost) I am now able to relate my experience as a monthly paying student.
You get two courses a month, whether you complete any or not. There did not seem to be any order in how they were sent other than division by degree level, i.e Batchelors, Masters, Doctorate. If you indicated electives preference, they come sort of interspersed, at least as I remember.
Also, in my case, I received all of my courses well before making all of the payments. I opted for the loooong payment plan.
Peace and Dawns,
Marty, Luckylee, Poppyhead |
Posts: 533
| Hmm. It seems to me that the electives were the last things to arrive, after the regular course material. I can't be completely sure,though. I also opted for the looong pmt plan. |
Posts: 2
| I am a new student. May I please have access?
Lori |
 PhD Alumni
Posts: 1882
        Location: NE Ohio | YEP, and now you do. Thank you so much for being patient.
Posts: 1
Location: Memphis, Tennessee | Hi there,
I have been a student, but have not joined the discussion until today. May I please have access to the student area? I think by getting involved in some of the topics we have going here, I may be able to finish writing the thesis. : )
Chasity |
 Forum Administrator
Posts: 462
| Helloe and welcome Chastity.Vice, will need to alert the Admin, sorry it has taken a time, must be the summer !!
O |
 PhD Alumni
Posts: 1882
        Location: NE Ohio | Gotcha handled~ Sorry for delay... ugh, surgery always takes it's toll on me.
Congratulations on getting to the Thesis stage~
Blessings~ |
Posts: 5
| I am an enrolled student - have not been on a discussion board in years - not sure what to do. Do I have permission to be here? Would love to chat with other students. |
Posts: 5
| I am an enrolled student - have not been on a discussion board in years - not sure what to do. Do I have permission to be here? Would love to chat with other students. |
 Forum Administrator
Posts: 462
| You are very welcome here Orion's Gate, just please observe the Discussion Board rules and be yourself ...
(main rules being, no abuse, posts in English language, no spam/ads or business promotion - unfortunately we have had a lot of the latter lately which I seem to spend most of my time removing ...)
http://www.umsonline.org/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=18&posts=... |
New user
Posts: 3
| I am a registered student, please grant me access to the student forum  |
 Forum Administrator
Posts: 462
| Hi Marismann
Requested noted - will in due course, sorry for delay but we have high security just now due to a lot of recent problems with spam/ads - in the meantime you are good to browse the open forum, give me a little longer please to do the necessary student adjustment .... thanks for your patience!
Ophiucus |
New user
Posts: 3
| Sure, no problem, Thanks! |
New user
Posts: 3
| Sure, Thank you!  |
 Forum Administrator
Posts: 462
| Hi Marismann
Done -
Enjoy the ride ...
Every blessing
Ophiucus |
New user
Posts: 2
| I am a registered student, please grant me access to the student forum.
thank you
keep it simple |
 Forum Administrator
Posts: 462
| Hi Keep it simple - sorry for delay - you should now have access to the student area
O |
New user
Posts: 1
| Hello,
I am a new student here... Can I have access to the student area?
Thank |
New user
Posts: 3
| Hello I am a student my I please have access to the student area? Blessings, Solarzar |
 Forum Administrator
Posts: 462
| Dear Solarzar
Please send me via private mail the email address with which you are registered with UMS as a student so that I may verify your student status with the School
Many thanks
Ophiucus |
 PhD Alumni
Posts: 584
    Location: Nigeria | I seem to have gotten tired of my forum user name: danjummai - makes me feel somewhat unreal.
I want you change that to Ahmad Abdullahi, my real name. This will probably make me feel....real...?...may be!!!
My Humble Request.
Thanks. |
 Forum Administrator
Posts: 462
| Dear Ahmad
I think you can do that yourself, if you go into your 'My Settings' section, and it gives you various options. Try that first and if you get stuck, let us know.
Nice as ever to hear from you here
O |
 Forum Administrator
Posts: 462
| Dear Ahmad
I think you can do that yourself, if you go into your 'My Settings' section, and it gives you various options. Try that first and if you get stuck, let us know.
Nice as ever to hear from you here
O |
Location: San Diego, CA | Anyone reiki attuned experience giving or getting a reattunement through the Usui traditional of natural healing?
By the end.of this month and next month ill be experiencing reattunements |
 PhD Alumni
Posts: 1882
        Location: NE Ohio | I am advanced Reiki Master Teacher! Would be more than happy to re-attune you. |
Posts: 533
| I am also a Usui Reiki Master Teacher, though I haven't done any attunements or taught anyone myself, yet. I did receive Usui reattunements a couple of years ago. They were distant reattunements and I felt quite energized afterward. |
Posts: 2118
  Location: The Heart of Space | Greetings all of you guys...
Hmmmm......I have noticed a sizable market in Internet based Reiki attunements. My thought is WWMTS? (What Would Mrs. Takata Say?)
I have studied with a lineage teacher from Sen. Hyashi and I will never ever ever ever be a Master as I do not have what it takes to be one.
I humbly respect others who are more dedicated than I am, and who truly understand the power AND limitations of Reiki.
Divine Chocolate to All,
Marty, BHD (Bald Headed Dude)
Posts: 533
| Hi, Marty
I was a bit skeptical of the distant attunements, which is why I got my reattunement that way. I wanted to see what happened. I think it works!
My original attunements were all done in person with a Master teacher and I much prefer the real life experience.
You DO have what it takes to be a Master- WE don't master Reiki, Reiki masters US. Anyone can do it. My daughter and I had been doing Reiki our whole lives, but we didn't know that's what it was. |
 PhD Alumni
Posts: 1882
        Location: NE Ohio | I was originally trained in person many years even prior to UMS. However, so nice taking so many classes as well as understanding the fact that everything is based on INTENT, with that intent to heal upon calling out to all the Reiki masters to come and correct any possible mistakes (and the fact that we are all one) then the distance simply does not exist as we are connected to the source, as one. If i need help to heal another part of me on the other side of earth, with permission, it is granted. It's based on Universal Energy that heals! I personally need this ASAP, as I won't be in this form very much longer, but will be forever part of this energy. A good source to understand this concept is the book 'The Afterlife of Billy Fingers' a book I read three times only due to it being so good my husband and I read it out loud to each other. Anyway, I've seen and felt my distance attunements work very well. I do get with those who ask IRT to go through all attunements if possible via internet, phone or in person. I call mine advanced because I built a chakra healing machine to align the body right along with all in person attunements.