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"I sincerely am very grateful for you and the rest of the 'gang' that make up UMS. All the courses that I have taken are packed with information, written in a concise, and easy to understand format. I loved them all and I enjoyed each one of them. I could sincerely say that of all the classes that I took from different colleges and universities, UMS is the best. I can't thank you enough." — T.M., UMS Student
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Statement BACK
University of Metaphysical Sciences
is a non-profit
501(c)3 organization
dedicated to assisting people in becoming knowledgeable about metaphysical
concepts and discovering the true self.
University of Metaphysical Sciences has made its program affordable for people of all walks of life, keeping tuition prices low, and creating payment plans for every budget.
University of Metaphysical Sciences is here to help the student answer his or her calling in assisting the human population in its spiritual evolution and awakening, giving the student knowledge, experiential practice, and legitimate credentials.
University of Metaphysical Sciences purposely designed courses for the distance learner so that relocation is not necessary and attendance in person is not required. The student can study on his or her own schedule rather than a schedule set by a university.
University of Metaphysical Sciences is dedicated to assisting spiritual teachers as they pursue their life purpose and life work, learn to live with integrity and grace, and teach others how to do the same.
University of Metaphysical Sciences is a facility for spiritual
education learning, whether the student seeks knowledge for personal
growth or goes on to become a metaphysical teacher, writer, minister,
workshop facilitator or other type of healer. University of Metaphysical Sciences believes that the healer must be whole before
true efficiency in helping others is attained. |
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University of Metaphysical Sciences gives the student vast amounts of academic information so that the student is well versed in the wide variety of material and techniques many spiritual seekers are using in their efforts to heal themselves. The culmination of these studies is geared to assist the graduate in becoming a radiant, steady source of love and grace through self healing and introspection.
University of Metaphysical Sciences provides courses to fill in the gaps that might have been missed by the more advanced student who has studied on his or her own.
University of Metaphysical Sciences is a metaphysics university level school teaching new age concepts, including holistic theology, enlightenment, spiritual education, and meditation classes. Much research has gone into every course. Metaphysic classes are an excellent way to go for any spiritual seeker on the path to the truth of the self, leading to a metaphysical degree which can assist the graduate in his or her spiritual work after graduation from this metaphysical college.
Definition Of Metaphysics BACK TO TOP
The word metaphysics, or metaphysic, was coined by the ancient Greeks, “meta” meaning “beyond or after” and “physic” meaning “physical,” therefore metaphysics meant to the Greeks “beyond or after the physical.” Continue to read more here...
Why Metaphysical Sciences? BACK TO TOP
The University of Metaphysical Sciences considers metaphysics a science, the most basic reason being that thought affects matter, as many scientists have proven with laboratory observations. Bewildered doctors have also observed this phenomena in their terminally ill patients who suddenly recover simply by adjusting attitudes or thoughtforms about the self, others, or the world in general.
What you will be learning at University of Metaphysical Sciences is what many have called alchemy, something that was long ago taught in spiritual mystery schools only to those who had proven themselves worthy through long term observation by a master teacher. Only once the student had proven unwavering dedication to exploring the mysteries of consciousness, and attained a certain level of skill, would he (usually a mystery school education was only available to males) be invited into the inner circle of teachings. In the present era, this is no longer the case. These teachings are now available to everyone.
Mystery schools are obsolete, for all knowledge about metaphysics, with related material about the nature of consciousness and its potentials, is presently available in every metaphysical bookstore and... Continue here to read more...
How Long Is The Program? BACK TO TOP
Most students complete studies in approximately one year. Each student moves through the program at an individual pace.
The doctorate
degree might take approximately two years to complete if the student
cannot dedicate much time to studies, one year if the student
is able to spend more time on studies. Some students find it very
easy to complete in one year if he or she has knowledge of these
subjects by previously studying on his or her own, has plenty
of time to study, and has already done much self introspection
and healing. Those who have not might want to take a little more
time to move through the program. |
Are There Careers In Metaphysics? BACK TO TOP
A degree from University of Metaphysical Sciences qualifies a graduate to perform official ceremonies such as ministerial work, weddings, spiritual counseling, teaching, lecturing on the international circuit, credentialed book writing, setting up a spiritual center, and a variety of other services.
More and more metaphysical teachers are seeking credentials, realizing the need for credentials if they want to market themselves in the field of metaphysics. It is increasingly difficult for an unknown without credentials to establish himself or herself in the metaphysical field. Credentials pave the way for opportunities that are simply not available for the person who has no credibility or training. For potential practitioners, writers, teachers, healers and leaders, this success is possible with a formal education in metaphysics.
More and more people are feeling the call to enter careers in metaphysics
as the population looks to its spirituality and seeks guidance. This
program is purposely designed to give qualifications and credentials
to the future spiritual teachers who are serious about becoming a source
of guidance and love to others, whether that is to be in the form of
a spiritual teacher, or an ordinary person in daily life reflecting
awakened self to others. For further information on the careers you
might pursue with an education in metaphysics,
please click:
Career Opportunities
What Are the Courses Like? BACK TO TOP
Lessons consist of reading material and meditation journeys. Most written lessons take about 2-3 hours to read and 1 hour to complete the exam questions. The reading material has easy-to-find answers to a few questions per lesson. The student returns the answered questions for credit. The lessons on CD are meditation journeys. The student briefly describes his or her experience of the meditation and returns the description for credit. All descriptions are accepted, for there is no wrong way to experience the meditations. Experiences of the meditations are unique to each person. Meditations vary from 15 to 30 minutes in length.
Courses are completed through the mail or over the internet. For those who do not easily have internet access, lessons are sent via postal mail with a minimal wholesale cost for materials, $385, payable in small payments with the short, medium or long term payment plans (cd player or headphones not included).
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In brief, the Bachelor's program consists of written and audio lessons (equivalent to 15 notebook binders).
To complete the Masters program, a 5,000 word essay (about one book
chapter in length) must be written on a metaphysical subject in
addition to the lessons. To complete the Doctorate program, a 10,000
word doctoral dissertation must be submitted (the equivalent of
two book chapters) and there are no written or audio lessons. |
(*Note:You get 15 binders worth of materials, but only the first containing binder is supplied in the cost of course materials because some countries have different binder set ups. We don't want to waste resources of the Earth on binders you cannot use. You might need to buy binders in your own country if your materials are different, and maybe you can even get binders cheaper in your country than we can! If you desire more USA binders, each binder is $5 in addition to the course materials fees. The price of extra binders (beyond the first one) is purposely left out of the course materials fees because of the differing prices in different countries, saving you money, and different formats for binders based on different countries. However, we do send you all the printed materials and CDs with sleeves to put in your binders if you decide to purchase your own.)
For an extra charge (postage), hard copy lessons can be sent to foreign countries. Downloading lessons from the internet saves the student time and money, and the fee is only $155 and no postage or duty/import fees are required. Courses can be downloaded in PDF (written) and MP3 (audio) formats.
If you would like to take a tour of our Student Center, click here. If you would like to see what it's like to take our Online Exams, click here!
Please note that University of Metaphysical Sciences reserves the right to add, change, remove or improve courses and course materials at its discretion.
How Were The Courses Created? BACK TO TOP
The written material in the courses was heavily researched
by a team of more than 40 writers working closely with the founder
of University of Metaphysical Sciences. Hundreds of books have been
used as references for the entire curriculum. Many points of view are
mentioned in order to give the student a thorough presentation of
common concepts in metaphysical subjects, even if they are differing
or opposite parts of the spectrum. Quotes from these books are used
in the courses to support statements and concepts conveyed in the
written material.
Our research team was meticulous and diligent in collecting information from various sources. All this research was done in order to condense the material into notebook form for the student. This eliminates the need to buy textbooks at retail prices, which can be quite costly for the student.
The pertinent information has already
been drawn out of the books and only the essential information
is included for the student. The courses are streamlined to get
right to the point on every subject. The written material will
serve as a reference section in the graduate's library long after
the desired degrees have been attained. Internet downloads of
written materials are delivered as PDF files. |
The audio portions of the courses were created
for the experiential aspects of what the student learns in the written
material. The meditations are facilitated by the founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences. Breese has a soft, trancelike voice and beautiful
meditative music is used in the background. A few meditations use no
music at all in order to create greater depth of stillness and concentration
with no distractions whatsoever.
The student will find the vast array and large collection of meditation CDs quite useful in continued meditation practices long after graduation. (For those with hearing aids and difficulty with music during meditations, journeys that typically have music are available with only the spoken voice and no music.)
Audio lessons come on 25 CDs, 25 hours worth of meditations. On the internet, the student will download MP3 files for audio portions of the lessons.
If you would like to read about the Internet Downloads and see what your sign in page would look like that takes you to your personal authorized downloads page, Click Here on Student Center.
If you would like to take a tour of our Student Center, click here. If you would like to see what it's like to take our Online Exams, click here!
Roster Of Our Teachers & Writers BACK TO TOP
Visit this page if you would like to meet our writers and teachers who put the courses together for University of Metaphysical Sciences. Our writers and teachers are what makes University of Metaphysical Sciences so wonderful. Many minds have come together to create the curriculum of University of Metaphysical Sciences. Our teachers are varied in background and training, each bringing their area of expertise to the courses they write. They have gathered much knowledge in their own studies and training, and have also collectively gathered vast amounts of real world experience as practicing counselors, teachers, and healers in their communities. Click here to visit our Research Team, Writers & Teachers
Will I Learn? BACK
The courses are designed to give the graduate a broad
understanding of metaphysical subjects. The material spans several religions
and belief systems so that the graduate will be well versed in the ideas
many parts of the population hold. It is important for the student to
be exposed to all areas of spirituality for a broader understanding
of human nature.
Some of the courses are meant simply for the student's self-introspection and self-inquiry, which is a necessary and ongoing practice for any teacher, healer, or leader.
Audio meditations will serve the
student for many years. The student is highly encouraged to investigate
more deeply the subjects that interest him or her. Recommended
reading is given on every subject in the curriculum for further
study, although it is not required, and a complete bibliography
of reference material is given. |
The graduate will have a resource of lists, diagrams, exercises and information which can be referred to anytime the need comes up in his or her professional practice. For instance, many of the courses have easy to use reference lists like the properties of herbs, sacred symbols, dream symbol indexes, and other quick access reference lists that the student will find useful.
Why Get A Doctorate Degree? BACK TO TOP
This gives your ministerial status even greater professionalism, and sets you apart from others who have not taken the time to get a degree. It also establishes you as a true professional in the field of metaphysics. This is becoming increasingly important. Very few teachers of metaphysics have more than ministerial status, if even that. Some people doubt their legitimacy as a teacher or healer, for anyone can send $5 somewhere and become a reverend or minister. However, you will have prestigious letters behind your name from a university that offers a true education, depicting that you have taken the time to get your degree. This takes commitment to your path as a spiritual aspirant or teacher. You will be perceived as a “doctor” of your subject, not just a reverend or minister because you have studied and learned about metaphysics specifically, which is a specialized area of religion.
You can obtain your ministerial status in the Master's Degree program. Ministerial Ordination is all you need to legally practice as a minister or religious counselor. The primary reason to acquire a doctoral degree is to establish a professional image of yourself as a person well educated in your chosen area of experitise, which is metaphysics. Obtaining a doctorate shows a deeper level of commitment, education, and professionalism. Most people seek out a “doctor” when looking for a counselor, not necessarily a reverend or minister, even though a reverend or minister can legally counsel people. With Doctorate credentials behind your name, you establish yourself as a “doctor” and can list yourself as such in the phone directory with other counselors, rather than as a minister or reverend only.
title of doctorate level in metaphysics
could make the difference between failure and success. It also
gives you legitimacy in your counseling practice. People tend
to think of a counselor as their “doctor.”
Doctoral Degree in Metaphysics
is completely legal in every way, though it is not considered
an academic, secular degree in psychology or any field other than
It is a doctoral degree in a specialized area of religion.
This specified area of religion (metaphysics)
is often what many seekers want in their counselor, so becoming
a doctor in the metaphysical field can serve you in this way. |
Laws For Teaching & Counseling BACK TO TOP
Anyone teaching or counseling with credentials in metaphysics is doing so in the field of religion as a legal minister, not as a psychologist. Your right to teach and counsel is not based on your doctoral degree. It is based on your ministerial status. This is perfectly legal and acceptable in almost every part of the world.
The limitation of religious degrees is that job positions in secular colleges, like state universities and community colleges, would be difficult to obtain without a secular degree. If you would like to be a teacher or professor at a traditional university or college, you must obtain a secular degree. University of Metaphysical Sciences does not offer secular degrees. Religious degrees may or may not be acceptable at some of these institutions for teaching positions. Also please note, religious degrees are non-transferable to secular colleges, so if you are wanting to pursue a higher degree at a secular college, your Bachelor's degree, for instance will not be acceptable there because we do not teach English, Math, and other secular courses that are required for higher degree levels at secular colleges.)
Ministerial Ordination BACK TO TOP
Upon completion of the Master’s Degree,
the student becomes a registered reverend or minister. The student is
ordained with all the rights, powers and privileges of an ordained reverend
or minister through the parent non-profit organization of the university,
Wisdom Of The Heart Church.
Many churches supplying ministerial status for only
a few dollars are unstable and they are not a genuine 501(c)3 organization
listed with the proper federal agencies. You could find yourself in
legal trouble for practicing counseling without proper credentials.
Someone may challenge you about your ministerial status, especially
when you get into counseling or assuming tax advantages that are available
as a minister. You will need to be backed by a church that has staying
power and will not have disappeared when you need proof of your status
as a minister or reverend. Wisdom Of The Heart Church
is a bonafide church listed with the proper federal agencies, and will
be there if you should ever need proof of your ministerial legitimacy.
Who is The Founder? BACK TO TOP
The founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences is Christine Breese, D.D., Ph.D. She is 44 years old and has walked many spiritual paths, including Eastern philosophies, Native American traditions, Nature Religions and modernized meditation techniques free of philosophic or dogmatic systems. She studied religions, self help books, and learned how to heal and find harmony. She then pursued formal studies in metaphysics in order to open University of Metaphysical Sciences. She holds her Doctor Of Divinity Degree in Metaphysical Sciences, as well as her Ph.D. in Metaphysical Counseling. Click here to continue... |
Accreditation And Associations Click Here
Course Books & Languages
At this time, all course materials are in English. We do eventually hope to offer UMS courses in other languages and we are presently in negotiations with various translation companies for this purpose.
Courses are supplied by University of Metaphysical Sciences. We do not require you to buy a lot of books. Rather, we have done the research for you and put it all in one place. You will receive approximately 10 large notebooks of materials and approximately 65-70 meditations on 17 CDs, which take the place of what you would experience in live classes if you were to attend UMS in person. You can also download your courses rather than receive them in the postal mail if you are internet saavy and know how to handle mp3 and pdf files. To see our list of courses, please click here.
Transfer Of Credits Or Degrees BACK TO TOP
credits, including Bachelors or Masters degrees from other colleges,
count toward University of Metaphysical Sciences curriculum requirements.
All students must begin at the Bachelors level in order to preserve
continuity of the course material throughout the program. University of Metaphysical Sciences recognizes that life, prior education,
and other growth inducing factors are great teachers. |
In order to stand behind a graduate if he or she chooses to be in a professional light and hold University of Metaphysical Sciences credentials, we must be sure that the graduate has been exposed to all information in the Bachelors and Masters programs as it is presented by our courses, because our curriculum is very unique in nature.
If the student is able to download PDFs and MP3s from the website, our course materials fee for the entire curriculum is only $155.00. You will recieve a link to your own personal authorized page you can sign in to recieve each month's assignments. If course material and tapes/CDs are sent via postal mail within the United States, the cost of materials is $385.00, which can be paid in small amounts with the short, medium or long term payment plans. If materials are mailed outside the USA, the course materials and postage fees both apply. Duties may also be due, depending on your country. Click here on Payment Plans for more detailed information.
Tuition Credit For Work/Life Experience BACK TO TOP
would be too subjective, confusing and time consuming to examine the
work experience of every individual who enrolls. Besides, the tuition
reduction would not be very much because University of Metaphysical Sciences has tried to keep its tuition prices as low as possible to
begin with.
University of Metaphysical Sciences can stand behind its graduates only
if the university can be certain the student has been exposed to all
material in the curriculum pertaining to each degree program. Therefore,
no prior work experience can be considered for tuition reduction. The
advantage the student has who possesses prior work experience is that
he or she can move through the courses quite quickly.
Scholarships & Financial Aid click here
University of Metaphysical Sciences offers partial scholarships by waiving
the $50 down payment on the long term four year payment plan for
students who can make the $25 per month payments, but cannot come
up with the first $50. All scholarship awards are only given
for the long term plan. No scholarships are awarded on the pre-payment,
short or medium term plans. Click
here to find out more. |
Withdrawal And Refunds BACK TO TOP
If within the first 30 days of enrollment the student decides to withdraw, for whatever reason, all monies will be refunded minus a $150 processing fee for the first packet of course materials and administration expenses. If the student withdraws between 30-60 days after enrollment, all monies except $300 will be refunded. After 60 days, no refund will be given. Course materials and monies already paid are non-transferable to other incoming students. There is a $75 fee for re-enrollment if a student has already withdrawn.
Lack Of Aptitude Policy
If a student does not have the aptitude or commitment
to succeed in completing studies at University of Metaphysical Sciences,
first, the student will be contacted and the situation will be discussed.
The student will be given a chance to remedy the situation, clarify
that personal time is needed before resuming studies or talk to a curriculum
representative if assistance with a particular course is needed. If
the student cannot complete necessary assignments, after dialogue with
the student, dismissal might be determined by the curriculum committee.
University of Metaphysical Sciences will determine the refund amount
depending on the time passed since enrollment and what materials have
already been shipped. An additional administrative fee of $185 will
be levied against the refund amount for administrative expenses. If
the student is unreachable by phone, email or postal mail for six months,
withdrawal from studies will be assumed and dismissal will be enacted.
Any of the afore mentioned students may resume studies within 3 years
from dismissal date if the student would like to study again later. See Refund Policy page here.
Leave Of Absence Options
Life circumstances are always changing. UMS recognizes a student's need to take time off sometimes for things that come up in life. Sometimes a person travels and doesn't have time for studies, a job is lost or a move takes place, a baby arrives or a loved one ascends and passes on. Sometimes a person just needs time to catch up in life. UMS tries to work with student needs in whatever way works best for both the school and the student. UMS has made a Leave Of Absence (LOA) option possible for students who want to continue their work but take a break from payments and receiving more courses while being able to take exams for courses they already have.
A Leave Of Absence is possible for up to one year without withdrawing, either in 3 month, 6 month or 1 year increments. Students will not be charged monthly for their payment plan, they will not receive further courses, and they will not be charged the $75 re-enrollment fee that would be incurred if one withdraws and then would want to re-enroll later. The Leave of Absence option is a great way for students to take a break if they need a financial break or simply have time for other things that come up in life. See the Leave Of Absence page here.
Click Here to see our overseas shipping information.
High School
Diploma or GED is required.
University of Metaphysical Sciences is a non-discriminatory educational
facility. Students of any race, gender, sexual orientation, color and
national or ethnic origin are admitted. Admission is not based on grades
from high school or college. All
that is required is graduation. To qualify for enrollment send your
enrollment application form, a copy of your high school
diploma/GED or your sworn statement that you have completed the equivalent
of high school in your country,
and your down-payment or payment in full. If you would like to see the
enrollment form now, please visit our enrollment form page.
Confidentiality of Student Records BACK TO TOP
Student information is protected in complete confidentiality. No student information is shared with any agency, including mailing list agents, email lists, survey businesses and other such companies who buy mailing lists. No information is shared with outside parties unless the student wishes it to be so. This can be done only at the student's signed written request by postal mail.
Internet Contact & Online Services BACK TO TOP
Students may contact University of Metaphysical Sciences by email for various comments, questions and other concerns. The University of Metaphysical Sciences website is http://www.umsonline.org. All catalog information, admission forms, and other pertinent information are posted at this website.
Students receive online support in their studies. A special email address is given upon enrollment for asking questions about the courses, which are answered within 48 hours by staff and faculty. Students may also visit our StudentCenter page and ask questions there. Students are able to download all courses over the internet, written (PDF) and audio meditations (MP3) from their own personal page in the download area specifically for students.
contact info for University of Metaphysical Sciences staff is
the following: To
ask questions, make comments about the website or downloading
assistance: To
ask questions about coursework |
Personal Contact BACK TO TOP
Studies at University of Metaphysical Sciences are deeply transformative in nature. Some students may find themselves breezing right through the curriculum if they have done transformative work prior to enrollment. Others may find themselves digging up old hurts for re-examination or processing. Sometimes the work in the curriculum may cause emotional releases, deep healing, or the need to talk to someone about the process.
University of Metaphysical Sciences In California And Minnesota
Students pursue their undergraduate studies
at UMS California, and graduate students pursue the Ph.D. doctorate
degrees at UMS Minnesota. Students will earn their
Bachelors, Masters and Doctor of Divinity degrees in California. Those
who wish to obtain a Ph.D. study at University of Metaphysical Sciences /Minnesota to finish their studies.
In each state, our corporate non-profit holding company is Wisdom
Of The Heart Church. Please visit the respective Secretary
of State websites or call them if you would like to verify our
non-profit status under Wisdom Of The Heart Church 501(c)3. If you
would like to check on verification of the university's religious
exempt status, which means that UMS is exempt from registration and
licensing, contact the Department Of Postsecondary Education in each
state, California and Minnesota.
University of Metaphysical Sciences /California University of Metaphysical Sciences /Minnesota |
Degrees/Certificates/Credentials Awarded BACK TO TOP
If you would like to see detailed information on which credentials (letters behind your name) each degree earns,
Visit our new website: Metaphysical Degrees & Credentials
©2005-2023 University of Metaphysical Sciences |